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The Pleasures of Translation
Date: Thursday 18 October 2018
Speakers: Lucas Klein, Maialen Marin-Lacarta and James Shea
Time: 7:30-9:00
Venue: 序言書室 Hong Kong Reader Bookstore
(7/F, 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Hong Kong)
Host:Cha: An Asian Literary Journal
In his talk "Lost & Found", Eliot Weinberger said, as an aside: 'Translation is the most anonymous of professions, yet people die for it. It is an obvious necessity that is considered a problem. (There are never conferences on the "pleasures of translation.")' Well, in this Cha Reading Series event "The Pleasures of Translation", Cha contributors Lucas Klein and James Shea will be joined by Maialen Marin-Lacarta (Maia ML) to discuss their pleasures of translation. They will also each introduce and read three to four excerpts of their translated works. Moderated by Cha's co-editor Tammy Ho Lai-Ming.
Lucas Klein 柯夏智 (PhD, Yale) is a father, writer, and translator whose work has appeared in LARB, Jacket, Rain Taxi, CLEAR, Comparative Literature Studies, and PMLA, and from Fordham, Black Widow, Zephyr, Chinese University Press, and New Directions. Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong, he is an executive editor of the Journal of Oriental Studies. His translation Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems of Xi Chuan won the 2013 Lucien Stryk Prize, and his October Dedications, translations of the poetry of Mang Ke, is now available. New York Review Books will be publishing his translations of Tang dynasty poet Li Shangyin, and his monograph, The Organization of Distance: Poetry, Translation, Chineseness, is forthcoming from Brill Publishers.
Maialen Marin-Lacarta is a translator and Assistant Professor in the Translation Programme at Hong Kong Baptist University. She holds a PhD in Chinese Studies and in Translation and
Intercultural Studies from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO) in Paris and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her translations of Chinese literature into Basque and Spanish include works by Shen Congwen, Mo Yan, Yan Lianke, Yang Lian, Mu Shiying
and Liu Na’ou. Her research interests cover literary translation, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, global literary flows, literary reception, translation history, agents of translation and digital publishing. Her most recent funded research project is entitled “Hong Kong and its Literature through a Double Lens: English and French Anthologies of Translated Literature”.
James Shea is the author of The Lost Novel and Star in the Eye, both from Fence Books. His poems have appeared in various publications, including Boston Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, jubilat, and The New Census: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry. His translations of Japanese and Chinese poetry have appeared in Circumference, Gin’yu, The Image Hunter (2016), and The Iowa Review. A former Fulbright Scholar in Hong Kong, he currently teaches in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University.
Cha Reading Series {http://bit.ly/2fnE9EE} takes the online journal out into the physical world. It brings together poets, writers, translators and artists who are in some way or other affiliated with Cha. Readings will take place in various impromptu locations across the city, in public and private rooms, lecture halls, on park benches, in front of billboards, next to a window scratched by tree branches. They will read their work informally or seriously. They will discuss issues, argue, debate and exchange. We also hope to form dialogue and explore specific pertinent topics that inspire or beset the contemporary world. Suggestions for future events can be sent to t@asiancha.com. |
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序言書室Hong Kong Reader
地址︰旺角西洋菜南街68號7字樓 (旺角地鐵站D3/E2出口,Body Shop對面)
營業時間︰下午1時至晚上11時 |